~ Normally dun eat b'fast, felt sick after eating cake.
~ Jie Jie say I behave like children.
~ When I was sleeping Poh Pei saw my saliva.
~ Freak bananas appear..
Friends are amazing people who accept each other with unconditional love & care. They recognize each other’s talents and respect each other’s differences. They trust & believe in each other that they’ve opened up their ♥s to share their dreams, thoughts & fears. They laugh together in happiness & share each other’s tears. Friends are blessings to treasure forever.
~taken from Hira's book~
那一天 知道你要走 我们一句话也没有说
当午夜的钟声 敲痛离别的心门
那一天 送你送到最后 我们一句话也没有留
当拥挤的月台 挤痛送别的人们 却挤不掉我深深的离愁
我知道你有千言 你有万语 却不肯说出口
你知道我好担心 我好难过 却不敢说出口
当你背上行囊 卸下那份荣耀 我只能让眼泪留在心底
面带着微微笑 用力的挥挥手 祝你一路顺风
当你踏上月台 从此一个人走 我只能深深的祝福你
深深的祝福你 最亲爱的朋友 祝你一路顺风
兔宝宝临睡前紧紧抓住爸爸的长耳朵,说:"猜猜我有多爱你? -- 从这里一直到月亮那么远." 兔爸爸亲亲睡着了的孩子,微笑着轻声说:"我爱你,从这里到月亮,再绕回来."
Cutting it up..
Steph had the 1st go,
slicing its stomach,
Eyra sliced its muscle layer,
exposing its internal organs..
Its miniature heart still thumping away..
XinPing removed its heart,
PohPei its lungs..
Me cut its stomach out..
I was unable to pull out its intestines(left hand x flexible enuf)..
so Teoh helped..
Not long after,
its body cavity was totally empty..
Gross us wouldn’t let its reproductive organs off..
We cut it up, scanning it..
It was kinda like eating western..
The teacher said of course we cant find it as we hav smashed it!!
Teoh was the worst..
bent on examining brains..
Yucks.. So we flipped it ovr.
Its eyes still open.
So I covered them with cotton..
Teoh began to cut its skin..
“XXX, how come its skin so tough??”
He muttered away..
Hz.. I don’t feel like narrating the rest..
IT WAS REAL GROSS~cutting eyes, removing brains..
Froggie eyes..
Clzmates fr other groups shook heads in disbelief upon seeing these..
Wow.. & It was finally time to clear..
We cleared up, threw the carcass away..
& that was the END of our frog-murder spree..