Last year I didn't involve myself at all during Interbatch, and I truly regretted that I let go of the chances given to me. So this year, to leave myself some memories, I took part in a couple of events. To name them, Rangoli and Western Vocal Group. I didn't manage to win anything, I earned myself great experiences.
I pulled Wei Chi along to join this. It was supposed to be a traditional Indian culture of making traditional designs of flowers, symbols and animals on the ground using colourful Rangoli powder and things such as rice, beans, sand and all that. In Malaysia we call it 'kolam' if I'm not mistaken.
I was inspired by the sand painting by Taiwan sand artists and thought of making a sand painting instead of a traditional Rangoli design. So Wei Chi and I had a go on making a Titanic- themed sand painting for the competition. We had difficulty getting Rangoli powder in the colours we had in mind, so we had to make a trip to Temple Street in Udupi, where all sorts of coloured powder can be found. It was the day before our Pharmacology test, but still.. Haha.
That night itself we practiced making the design, which took us 3 hours. It turned out okay, but we were worried about the time, because the time allocated was 2 hours. But we went ahead the next day for the competition, and managed to finish it in time.
We were the only group who came up with a non-traditional design, and we realised that the judges didn't buy our idea of being different. Haha. We were quite disappointed because we had some expectations, and we thought we had the chance to win. But to think of it, it didn't matter that we didn't win. Many other contestants and spectators were drawn to our piece and we got quite a lot of attention. Many people took pictures. :) Guess that means our work was quite good.
This was our practice piece done on a piece of cardboard. Didn't manage to take picture of the actual competition piece because my phone battery died. Haha.
The sea of Rangoli. Spot ours?
Western vocal group
Chris suggested forming a group for Western singing, which I felt quite reluctant at first, as I knew we'd have zero chance of winning. But he talked me into it in the end. This year the competitions were held early, so we only had a week to practice. In addition to Chris and I, we roped in Laura, Phyllis and Halem to sing, and Naj as the guitarist. Peoi Chee has a great voice and Christopher sings well too, but they had no time to commit because of the other interbatch competitions they joined.
Had a difficult time putting the group together and also putting the song together. Again, tried to be different and incorporated Chinese and Malay songs into the medley. Glad that everyone contributed ideas to make the song proper. Kinda miss those times that we practiced. It was more of a fun, singing together thingy rather than training for a competition. Great bonding sessions they were. Had fun laughing at Vitas' videos and singing to the Phantom of the opera :D
I had no experience and no talent at all in figuring out harmony for group singing. But I did the best that I could, with help of my other teammates. :) I'm simply too grateful to you guys for being so cooperative. :)
We did the best that we could to build up the performance, and did our best in presenting what we had prepared to the audience. Although I kinda screwed up my part, but thanks for not holding it against me. Wanna say it again: you guys are the best teammates I could wish for. And I totally enjoyed myself throughout, despite the difficulties we faced. Kudos everybody!
Covered all the events that I had took part in, hopefully I would be able to find time to write about the other amazing events that BDS clinched the victory :)