February 21, 2015

The end of the journey

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I knew that this day would come one day, and it eventually did.

I struggled too, in the later days. Lost my ability to write as well as I did during my college days. Yet I pushed on. For a few months I wrote for the sake of 21st each month. I would be at my laptop, searching high and low for inspiration. I never used to. Ideas used to come, free-flowing.You could guess how the quality of my work became.. 

Looking back at my 35 pieces of works in ReMag since its debut in 2010, feeling glad that we've came such a long way. I remember how I hated those months I had to write for the theme, also the satisfaction I had when I completed them. I didn't like themes. I like writing about my own feelings and random ideas. Yet they forced open my mind and made this lazy mind of mine think.

Ever thankful of the platform ReMag provided for me to express myself throughout the years, fulfilling the desire of a writer.. to be heard.


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