I thought we will be able to have a look at Manipal U's mobile dental clinic, but it turned out that they had other plans for us. The Dental faculty planned a visit to
Hebri Village instead, providing us some exposure to community medicine and dentistry.
The mention of a Dental Camp sounded exciting, but it is actually a 3 hour rural visit to give us an insight at the healthcare system in places where facilities are limited. So 35 of us from Batch A set off on one fine Thursday in a bus, under the care of Dr.Arul. He is always the one who brings us on visits and stuff.
On the way to the Community health centre, we passed by a group of blacksmiths working metal into wrought metal. It was something new to us, and we stopped to stare and take pictures. Dr. Arul took the chance and told us that what they were doing was cold working. Haha.
Cold working. Lol.
We had a look and were briefed at the immunization center, dental clinic, wards, pharmacy, and counseling center. Learn quite about the organisation of healthcare and stuff. Saw an autoclave too. Didn't expect it to be so small. D: Saw how vaccines were stored and transported. Also had a look at a child getting immunization injection. The way she cried shook us. ><
Health Center
After we were done with the medical centre, we proceeded to visit the dental center. It was very small, with 5 dental chairs. Had a look at a couple of procedures. There was an old man getting an extraction. He was obviously in pain. We could see tears in his eyes, but the dentist didn't stop until the old man finally raised his hand in agony to stop him. Then only the dentist re-administered LA for him. Saw a child getting a GIC restoration. Didn't get to observe what the dentist did, but at least we see what the steps were. It was fast. But they said the assistant didn't follow the P:L ratio, manipulation and stuff. He just mixed the two together. Lol. There were 2 other extractions, and we got to see LA administration up close. Seems like we have to revisit Anatomy after second year. Totally forgot about the trigeminal nerve branches. Lol.
The pretty lady dentist giving LA
Restorative procedure ongoing
After that, it was back to reality and we were shipped back to Manipal, having enough time for lunch before having to attend afternoon classes. So sad. We will be so grateful if they gave us an afternoon off.
Little calf that we saw
Qiqi showing off her prawn salad. Lol.
Nicholas & Chu brought cup noodles along. Pro much.
Overall, it was a fun trip I would say.
At least we learned stuff that will be useful to us in future. Or else
we wouldn't know anything beyond lecture halls, books and well-equipped
dental clinics that we go to back in Malaysia. Yay :)