March 7, 2013


It's a holiday! Some Karnataka General Election thingy. Heard from Peggy that it's also Sisters Day today. And coincidentally we sisters had breakfast together this morning.

The second week of Block 3 is coming to an end. It hasn't been a good start. I have no idea why there are so many obstacles and accidents and carelessness. Never really had a day of peace.

*Don't read further if you don't wanna be bothered by rants and complains.

Noticed that my labcoat and name tag were missing on the first day, and accidentally made a big hole in my 46 Class II MO gingival seat. Failed umpteen times fabricating mandibular denture base and broke my acrylic flask on Tuesday. Wednesday, I forgot what happened, but something did. Thursday was dental camp, had to endure the annoyingness of Drama Queen. Friday I realised that I lost my trimming bur. Saturday broke my slippers during BLS training. What a week.

Monday, overslept and missed patho lecture, 26 Class II MO went wrong and I had to get a new  tooth to work on, starting from scratch, from mesial pit and distal pit. Tuesday, slow in prostho. Wednesday, forgot breakfast and spent an hour watching demo with gastric pain.

Praying hard for a change in situation. I don't think I can take any more mishaps, mistakes and stuff.

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