October 17, 2009


3.如果有一天我矢忆了... 你会用什么方法让我记起你?
4.如果有一天你得了会死的病.. 你会跟我说吗?
5.如果有一天你变得重色轻友, 你会改吗?
7.如果有一天我说我很恨你, 你会怎样呢?
9.如果有一天我死了, 你会怎样?

Poh Pei
1. 我会很sad sad sad lo, *哭到淹水, 六米高, 你们要用sampan, 不然会被淹死… (*added by koala)
2. Of course la… I wont quarrel with you de! Frenz 4eva… Must must keep in touch.. Haha
3. Ha..Ha… erm.. Do some weird things lo like jumping, hopping, running, laughing, crying, bring pink dolphin for you and bring u go my hse swimming. Ha.. Ha
4. Erm…. Maybe ba… but I don’t want u sad… so… but still need to tell you la…
5. I wont becum like that la.. Dun wori… Frenz are important… I will always rmb u ^^
6. Erm.. Stupid ques.. I wont hate u…
7. I will cry and maybe no mood everyday… Dun la… Dun hate me ok?
8. No
9.You will live forever in my heart <3..>

Wei Wei
1. Since you disappear already i cant manage to tell you a thing
2. Ya unless you killed my family including my dog and snatch my boy
3. This question has an error
4. Of course. You gonna get me whatever i want before i die.
5. no. lol.
6. of course. i always do that to people i dislike.
7.thanks you.
8. depends.
9. buy you flowers.

1. I'll miss you.. I'll find you no matter wat..
2. yes.we'll be friends agn. cz to me friends is da m0st important pers0n in my life..
3. I'll read my autograph buk to u.
4. Yes.. I'll tell u..
5. Yes.. Of cz I'll change.. Cz I'm nt dat kind of person..
6. I wont hate u no matter wat.. Cz u r my fren..
7. Im sure v sad. N wana knw da reason u hate me..
8. No.. I wont..
9. I'll cry n sad.. I'll alwyas rmbr ur laugh, personality in my mind.. Cz ur v cute.

Kai Wen
1. 来生再见.
2. 会. 因为我怕没有朋友.
3. 叫你尝试回想及说一些之前所发生的特别事.
4. 不会和任何人说.
6. 不会.
7. 伤心. 后悔认识你这朋友.
8. 不知道.
9. every year will visit you. haha.. pei.. dun say tis liao la..

Jin Shian
1. i cant say anything to u when u already disappear
2. of course we'll, we are friends.
3. well, honestly i dunno wat to do. But I'll surely be there if you need me.
4. of course I'll tell all my friends.
5. i believe i can.
6. no ba. i think i would just keep in my heart.
7. try to figure what i have done and apologise if my fault.
8. nop. Friends are as important as love.
9. of course i'll be sad. But wat could i do?

Wei han (chinese, malas type)
Jie Ci (chinese, malas type)
Jia Min (chinese, malas type)

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